Keeping Memories Alive <body>

Hye readers!

future husband Mr.N!

so, welcome to My Memories. Just sharing, and you are reading My Memories. eventhough, I might not know who reads my memories. but I know it's you really cares about me. tQ again ^_^
hope you're enjoying while visiting and reading, God Bless ^^

Me Chrissy

I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist
I'm not a girl, but not yet a woman. well ya, I'm a person really easy going, sometimes it changed so sensitive. I'm a kindergarten Teacher, I'd choosed my life's purpose is my God's Purpose. because He's my Author for Alpha and Omega. Proud the be His servant. one more important thing, I'm a youngest sister in six siblings. I love my Mummy damn much!

My Day-dreaming

master being a Vilonist

Wife-to-be - Mr.N

owned Gospel's Album

build a house on the hill


Designer: Wyona
Images: Cyworld | Wyona
Host: blogger | photobucket
Pixels: GG | Happyy-stop
Reference: blogskins

Keeping Memories Alive

which one I want choice? ? ?
back to the future ^_^"
my story on wednesday..
become NATIS!! haha
? ? ?hate OR benci ? ? and why??
if u wanna be happy.. jst read it..
smile on my face~
come back from holiday...
my title is I MISS YOU

aku mahu tendang buntutnya puas2..
Saturday, July 3, 2010

entah sama sapa yang saya sakit hati nie..
when I saw his profile, doooi! mau ja saya kc hancur ni laptop..
actually, between me and him, tiada apa2 hubungan, dan tidak pernah ada hubungan..
setakat kawan sajaa..
adalah tue sebab napa saya sakit hati..
I want find someone that I really trust excapt my BF..
I really trust him, I mean a true friends..
dia ni orangnya suka bagi harapan dengan orang lain, and
that is not good for me..
whatever he had told me, mcm tiada satu pun yang betul..
I want show his name here, but I can't..
dia tidak akan baca blog sya.. tapi bnyk org kenal dia..
he is so kind, lovely, humane, caring,..
itu depan saya lah kan...
rupa2nya bukan satu ja dia mahu, bukan juga dua, dan bukan juga tiga..
kalau boleh semuaaanyaaa...
faham2 lah apa yang saya mksudkan..
PLAYBOY i mean actually..hahahaha..
hope one day, I can throw my bad feeling go far away from me..
and never come back again...

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