![]() ![]() ![]() yesterday is paper BM 1& 2.. bm 1 KANTOI! also bm 2.. how could it be??? Am I careless or stupid? list : 1) wrong format ( then I TERPAKSA copy again) 2) waste time till I don't enough time do section B. I don't want to remember it!!!!!!!! oh no!!!!! so so so so disapointed... before exam began, I think i can do better than exam before.. but, i'm so careless.. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tomorrow is paper pendidikan moral.. I don't like to memories the moral values! but I have too!!!! napa lah jadi cm na... padahal dah dekat exam.. actually a big exam SPM~ my family always remind me to study hard.. I hope one day I can makes my family proud of me ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ actually.... i miss my brothers... since there went to KL .. i'm so lonely.. saya rindu dengan didem, onong, n ojib.. didem dah pegi LD.. saya ingat time kami begaduh.. hahaha..lucu tapi bikin panas juga... macam na pun si didem kasar sama saya.. I knew in bottom his heart.. he loves me.. isn't? hiihi.. ^_^" bulan 11 onong (john) balik uda.. yeeeahhhh!!!hehe ada lagi driver saya nanti...haha ojib pulang nanti bulan 12.. lama lagi.. tidak sabar mau kasih kumpul keluarga.. miss them like a hell!!! haha... mmuuahx! 4:35 AM | <>0 comments |