![]() ![]() aiyaaa... bad, bad and bad terus menerus.. urrggghhh~ dady tidak suruh bawa kereta pergi Kota Belud, my sister (oldest) too.. damn it.. sebenarnya saya tidak mahu sudah pergi join dorg.. tapi in deep and deep and bottom of my heart.. says that, chrissy, u must go no matter what.. what the ???? I always hear it, somthing whispering me.. what that mean uh?? an angel?? the devil?? or something else that I can't explain it.. fuuh!! God, please gives me strength for all those.. my family didn't trust us to used the car... I need someone support me, and be my supporter.. if I say this : "sorry guys, I don't want join u" how cloud me?? saya tidak mungkin buat macam itu.. now they need me, actually not me.. but the CAR!! don't care about that... oke now, lets see and wait for tommorow...~~ 5:19 AM | <>0 comments |