Keeping Memories Alive <body>

Hye readers!

future husband Mr.N!

so, welcome to My Memories. Just sharing, and you are reading My Memories. eventhough, I might not know who reads my memories. but I know it's you really cares about me. tQ again ^_^
hope you're enjoying while visiting and reading, God Bless ^^

Me Chrissy

I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist
I'm not a girl, but not yet a woman. well ya, I'm a person really easy going, sometimes it changed so sensitive. I'm a kindergarten Teacher, I'd choosed my life's purpose is my God's Purpose. because He's my Author for Alpha and Omega. Proud the be His servant. one more important thing, I'm a youngest sister in six siblings. I love my Mummy damn much!

My Day-dreaming

master being a Vilonist

Wife-to-be - Mr.N

owned Gospel's Album

build a house on the hill


Designer: Wyona
Images: Cyworld | Wyona
Host: blogger | photobucket
Pixels: GG | Happyy-stop
Reference: blogskins

Keeping Memories Alive

Jesus? this is Your answer for my future?
Fasting For Future (FFF)
pengalaman wira-wira negara Malaysia
my Lastest mooody2
sunday's story
Adventist Youth ( AY )
I'm a servant of the Lord
afternoon's bath
7 info to help your better zzz's
new skin for lovely Blog ^^

My collection Video (singing)
Sunday, January 1, 2012

title of this song : aku nyanyi bila aku teringat.
I ever sang this song at Keningau's church..
such a ashamed experienced, I hate that..haha..
I'm getting nervous till I forgot the lyric padahal lirik depan mata!
haha.. actually, I don't know how used my voice so nicely.. I want take a vocal classes
but my mom said, U have a talent already.. just polish it ..
so that, I'll sing everwhere I be..PRACTISE MAKE PERFECT
oh ya, Keningau's church Youths.. they're have a good talent in singing..
all of them can sing very well.. and i'm fell that I'm too tiny... like my name Tini..haha..
But someone attarct my attention.. she's a woman.. she's name is Juanita Gulon..
fuh!! How I can described about her talent.. too talented singer ever!! 
when she start sing, I'll open my mouth very wide..haha..
syoklah ba pokoknya...haha..

8:59 PM | <>0 comments
my First January of 2012!^^

today.. I have meeting...
its really make me totally tired plus sleepy..why??
I hate meeting actually, but I have too..
because I'm the one of 'panitia lembaga gereja' & 'cikgu di sekolah'
okay.. I've been chosen to be a 'pembantu pelayanan wanita' & ' guru Sek. Sabat belia'
this is a first time I ever held responbilities like this..
and for your information I'm be the representative for go to Sarawak! hahaha
its quite hard for me.. But I trust in God I can do this. Chrissy, yes u can do this!^^

school  of Sinar Pelangi Kindergarten
yes, this is my new school... I'm a teacher already? I'll start my schedule by teaching! haha
I need more patient for all those.. but wait! pastor Janson gave me something that can
make my spirit totally switch on! just a simple book mark but there's wrote this guys..

'apabila kita melakukan pengurusan akan perkara-perkara yang harus kita kerjakan
di tangan kita sendiri, dan bergantung kepada kebijaksanaan kita untuk berjaya,maka
kita sudah mengambil satu beban yang Allah tidak berikan kepada kita. Dan, kita juga 
cuba untuk menanggung beban itu tanpa pertolongan-Nya.
kita mengambil bagi kita satu tanggungjawab yang sebenarnya adalah milik Allah.
Oleh itu, kita cuba meletakkan diri kita di tempat-Nya.
kita mungkin mempunyai kebimbangan, dan menjangkakan bahaya serta kerugian,
sebab memang ia akan menimpa kita.
tetapi kalau kita benar-benar percaya bahawa Allah mengasihi kita, dan
hanya bermaksud untuk kebaikan kita semata-mata, kita akan berhenti untuk merisaukan
tentang masa depan.
kita akan berharap kepada Allah sebagaimana seorang anak berharap kepada
orang tua yang penyayang!^^'

[ dipetik dari buku Sons and Daughters of God, m.s119 (EGW)]

such a beautiful words..right??
I can't understand it first, but finally.. I can understood at all..
and I can make my lips like a rainbow's smile..hehe^_____^
actually, school's Sinar Pelangi a English school..
so I must conversation with my student in a Eng langguage..
but I don't care because they're still kindergarten, so its not make me worst at all
even my Eng too broken, they dont know.hehe!^^
I love English, but I can't do it well..that is my weakness.. T_T
but I never stop trying.. otherwise, I keep trying till I tired and vomit..haha!
stop nonsense Chrissy...
Subjects that I'll teach.. three subjects..
Thematic (science and social)
Bahasa Malaysia for reading and writing
music & movement body

My Theme on January is My School and Myself..
subject theme is Rules & discipline, things in classroom..
and the other else..

God, please be in me.. so that I can do these very well..
I won't do these by's a foolness if i'm just depend on myself..

7:52 AM | <>0 comments