? ? ?hate OR benci ? ? and why??

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
when I met u..u will make me whether smile or laugh.. and I hope both of my EMO, will be 4ever.. today~ I can't believe when u spoke me like dat.. stop being hypocrite.. that is so SHIT! I don't want to HATE you.. never, never and ever ! ! but now. u force me to do that..
sorry I said.. but I want take a time to forgive you.. u make my tears droped.. also I hope My blog don't have any BAD STORY.. but, because of YOU!
my feeling turn to LIKE - HATE I appreciate our relation as a friend.. no more communication after this.. stop hurting me.. I don't like ur attitude actually.. don't surprising if I don't want treat u like another day.. I will treat u, like I never know WHO YOU ARE!
i'm not a girl like u knew before.. this is not for a first time.. but for a second time.. please.. let me go.. lastly.. I HATE YOU ! !
12:27 AM |
Chrissy's home.
best viewed in MOZILLA FIREFOX
chrissy take a best picture to be her greatest moments
The navigations
© wyona 2008
? ? ?hate OR benci ? ? and why??

Wednesday, June 23, 2010
when I met u..u will make me whether smile or laugh.. and I hope both of my EMO, will be 4ever.. today~ I can't believe when u spoke me like dat.. stop being hypocrite.. that is so SHIT! I don't want to HATE you.. never, never and ever ! ! but now. u force me to do that..
sorry I said.. but I want take a time to forgive you.. u make my tears droped.. also I hope My blog don't have any BAD STORY.. but, because of YOU!
my feeling turn to LIKE - HATE I appreciate our relation as a friend.. no more communication after this.. stop hurting me.. I don't like ur attitude actually.. don't surprising if I don't want treat u like another day.. I will treat u, like I never know WHO YOU ARE!
i'm not a girl like u knew before.. this is not for a first time.. but for a second time.. please.. let me go.. lastly.. I HATE YOU ! !
Important Memories I ever have
I met him on November, 14, 2011. why I fall in love with this guy? because God's love shows us how we loved and needed each other