Wednesday, March 31, 2010
hehe... so happy o hari ini... i can got u..haha GOTCHA!! pucat muka nyaa...i'm feel so sorry...but aprilfool ma.. tidak bolh marah..hehe
that is suprised for u my dear..hehe u laughed when I make u happy.. hahaha... mau saya ketawa bila ingat mukamu NORELLA..hhaa.. saya mahu ketawa time saya kasih kena kau..hehe kalau saya kasih terus tue..nanti kamu menangis pula..haha lucunyaaaaa!!!~~~ hahahhahahaha~~`
11:13 PM |
i couldn't understood... i'm stupid?.
today...berjalan dengan lancar..so happy...but,one things, I can't meet him again... so dissapointed... but,it's oke... i know that he always remmber and thingking of me..wah..hehe other story.... well,not very well and not very bad actually.. i want tell u my bad story is that GIRL pupil said that u're so "mintapuji"..but, I'm not believe on it.. BUT!! when I saw with my "mata kepala" .. aiyaaa... u're so freak.. I don't care if ur behviour like that (natural) i'm just me,and u just u.. but today u make me hurted!!! I know u're good talent in sports but not at all GIRL,and don't be so EGO!! when I shooted the ball,and I can shoot very well (goal) she said like this "ala,pluk sut".. however, i smile for YOU.. maybe u just playing with that words, tapi imposible coz kau cakap itu berulang kali bila saya berjaya bet ur TEAM.. accept the reality if u can't bet me, that is battle..oke.. saya pernah wakil sekolah, bukan mau membangga diri... tapi jangan angap saya sampah.. if u get a good talent,appreciet it.. bukan mau merendah2 kan org yang lemah macam saya..
READERS... don't think i'm a bad girl.. but this I am.. I can't love the other people.. if no one does..
WOMAN,GIRL,LADIES.. (apa2 jalah) jangan tergedik2.. jangan sampai i called u as a ONGKOR GIRL.. kalau mau main,main.. mulut diam bila something bad crushed on YOU..
MY TEAM~ jangan lah selalu bergaduh... bukan namanya TEAM kalau seumur begaduh.. it's LOSER actually.. each of us, is same.. tiada yang lemah,tiada yang hebat.. cuma kamu yang banding2 kan.. hobby kamu mungkin..hehe
5:29 AM |
Chrissy's home.
best viewed in MOZILLA FIREFOX
chrissy take a best picture to be her greatest moments
The navigations
© wyona 2008

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
hehe... so happy o hari ini... i can got u..haha GOTCHA!! pucat muka nyaa...i'm feel so sorry...but aprilfool ma.. tidak bolh marah..hehe
that is suprised for u my dear..hehe u laughed when I make u happy.. hahaha... mau saya ketawa bila ingat mukamu NORELLA..hhaa.. saya mahu ketawa time saya kasih kena kau..hehe kalau saya kasih terus tue..nanti kamu menangis pula..haha lucunyaaaaa!!!~~~ hahahhahahaha~~`
i couldn't understood... i'm stupid?.
today...berjalan dengan lancar..so happy...but,one things, I can't meet him again... so dissapointed... but,it's oke... i know that he always remmber and thingking of me..wah..hehe other story.... well,not very well and not very bad actually.. i want tell u my bad story is that GIRL pupil said that u're so "mintapuji"..but, I'm not believe on it.. BUT!! when I saw with my "mata kepala" .. aiyaaa... u're so freak.. I don't care if ur behviour like that (natural) i'm just me,and u just u.. but today u make me hurted!!! I know u're good talent in sports but not at all GIRL,and don't be so EGO!! when I shooted the ball,and I can shoot very well (goal) she said like this "ala,pluk sut".. however, i smile for YOU.. maybe u just playing with that words, tapi imposible coz kau cakap itu berulang kali bila saya berjaya bet ur TEAM.. accept the reality if u can't bet me, that is battle..oke.. saya pernah wakil sekolah, bukan mau membangga diri... tapi jangan angap saya sampah.. if u get a good talent,appreciet it.. bukan mau merendah2 kan org yang lemah macam saya..
READERS... don't think i'm a bad girl.. but this I am.. I can't love the other people.. if no one does..
WOMAN,GIRL,LADIES.. (apa2 jalah) jangan tergedik2.. jangan sampai i called u as a ONGKOR GIRL.. kalau mau main,main.. mulut diam bila something bad crushed on YOU..
MY TEAM~ jangan lah selalu bergaduh... bukan namanya TEAM kalau seumur begaduh.. it's LOSER actually.. each of us, is same.. tiada yang lemah,tiada yang hebat.. cuma kamu yang banding2 kan.. hobby kamu mungkin..hehe
Important Memories I ever have
I met him on November, 14, 2011. why I fall in love with this guy? because God's love shows us how we loved and needed each other