Tuesday, June 29, 2010
yesterday.. I got my result BI... i dunno i supposed to be happy or sad? but I knew this is blessed from God ^_^" two subjects I failed.. but I don't care.. coz saya tidak ambil paper time tue.. sabbath time kan.. huhu.. PDG & SNS.. hahaaa entire my result is 4 A's... haha... dungu2.. tapi tiada makna sudah sebab gagal subjek teras..aiyaayaya.. before this.. in this year lah.. I never get a A in BI.. B saaajjaaaa seumuran... but now I can imporve litte bite.. but need more exercise after this.. enough for my story.. ^_^"
other stories.. saya terpilih sebagai anak angkat kepada teacher Ronelli.. hohoho... they said, siapa yang kena pilih tue perlukan bimbingan dari cikgu.. that mean, saya nie bermasalah lah..haha.. lolx! mybe bcoz saya langsung tidak pernah hadir kalau ada sekolah time sabtu.. WHATEVER.... direct to the point lah kan.. kalau memang pasal tue saya di pilih.. saya tidak akan berubah... harap maaf.,hihi.. ^_^" even syaa di buang sekolah.. saya boleh hidu juga.. hihihihi... berani lah pula saya nie.. God is FIRST!
3:02 AM |
Chrissy's home.
best viewed in MOZILLA FIREFOX
chrissy take a best picture to be her greatest moments
The navigations
© wyona 2008

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
yesterday.. I got my result BI... i dunno i supposed to be happy or sad? but I knew this is blessed from God ^_^" two subjects I failed.. but I don't care.. coz saya tidak ambil paper time tue.. sabbath time kan.. huhu.. PDG & SNS.. hahaaa entire my result is 4 A's... haha... dungu2.. tapi tiada makna sudah sebab gagal subjek teras..aiyaayaya.. before this.. in this year lah.. I never get a A in BI.. B saaajjaaaa seumuran... but now I can imporve litte bite.. but need more exercise after this.. enough for my story.. ^_^"
other stories.. saya terpilih sebagai anak angkat kepada teacher Ronelli.. hohoho... they said, siapa yang kena pilih tue perlukan bimbingan dari cikgu.. that mean, saya nie bermasalah lah..haha.. lolx! mybe bcoz saya langsung tidak pernah hadir kalau ada sekolah time sabtu.. WHATEVER.... direct to the point lah kan.. kalau memang pasal tue saya di pilih.. saya tidak akan berubah... harap maaf.,hihi.. ^_^" even syaa di buang sekolah.. saya boleh hidu juga.. hihihihi... berani lah pula saya nie.. God is FIRST!
Important Memories I ever have
I met him on November, 14, 2011. why I fall in love with this guy? because God's love shows us how we loved and needed each other