![]() ![]() my bad luck always stay at behind me.. sobsobsobsob.. what can I do for those.. just keep pray in a faith.. bla bla bla bla... *stupid* actually, last night i'm very, very and very happy..^^ thanks God... esok kami akan pergi ke Kota Belud but the problems is macam saya malas dah pergi sana...huahuahua ok lets start the main point!! tentang dia.. always tentang dia pula kan.. saya sudah belajar bagaimana untuk setia sejak saya menjalankan perhubungan yang special dengan dia.. amazing experience that I ever have..ceh^^ what else here, now I can't open my pure heart and love to share it for someone..(????) only for him...uhmm?? am I stupid?? am I foolness?? am I etc....??? the bad things was me...loL! maybe i'm gonna take my time to forget my past.. but when I try, try and try it.. its become too hard than I thought... how stupid chrissy is...fuuh!! do u ever think want to propose with man that u TIDAK PERNAH SAYANG?? of course not.. orang gila saja buat macam itu kan.. wad eva!~~!! 8:07 PM | <>0 comments ![]() ![]() today is : monday.. tommorow is : tuesday the next day is : wednesday that day we'll start our journey goin to Kota Belud (dantai) for Bible Confrence Camp can't wait for that, but when I saw their planing, they make me so dissapointed, what have they decided, they can't full filled it. then they change,change and change again..and again.. their planing,fuuhh! make me headache.. if they really want go, just let it will be.. but!!! I can't see it.. first they said like this, they used my sis's car, second they used nikson's car, and third they used unc wills's car, fourth is they used my car again!! so, do you all see that?? yes, thats not their fault coz some of them change their mind do not want join the camp.. but if I'll being them, I don't want to serve peoples like those.. perrrgghhh~~! the final decision is they want to use my sis's car.. ok, I think it'll be their final and the last choice.. ( I hope like that so) but if not, i'll change my mind sorry,..^^ however, God knows what ever we need.. thank u God^^ 2:56 AM | <>0 comments |