a teacher's and student's feeling

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
perhaps, among from us will never felt what means of a Teacher's feeling, you need to be a Teacher then u'll know it. there's a lot of meaning. my mom's my first Teacher, because she's a kindergarten Teacher. since I'm about 3-6 years old, my mom allowed me to follow her whenever she went to school for teaching. ya, as you know 3 years old, do not know anything about education yet. either me. just sitting down, staring the other children playing around. I'm a nerd person. when I grew up, I be the un-nerdy person.
I make my past stories become more shorter. in the kindergarten school, (not to proud of myself) but i'm the best student. top 3 in the class. probably it's because my mom can spend a lot of her time for me. and I received more pinched from her.ya, quite hurt till I cried then fall asleep. but seems it's not a big deal because I knew what a causes i'm being pinch. because of that pinch, I'm become more diligent. diligent for memories ABC, getting to know 123, addition, etc. I love do that. when I'm went to primary school. I'm in the class C, not good enough compare class A. but, who cares? I don't care at all. whether, I'm in the class A or not. it's neither not a big deal for me.
I thought my past stories is not short like I guess.still want to keep reading? it's up to u my dear. okay, not in the kindergarten school anymore. more mature in primary school. really? indeed, being primary school 7-12 years old, its pretty faster than I thought. days goes too faster. around I'm 7-9 years old, still can calling me best student. all my subjects, I got more than 70 above. around I'm 10-12 years old,I'd joined culture club(dance), because of that I'm falling in love in dance but at the same time I started had drowning, I'm fool around my stuff. I don't care at all I've a homework or not. I don't care I'd finished it or not. I'm so careless. I'm not even aware from my bad habit.gssk! (totally damn idiot when remember it again). okay, let it be past. going to my UPSR's result. I only can got 1A, and the other subjects just can got C & B, there's no failed okay. but I'm so disappointed with that.
jump out from primary school and going out to secondary school.okay, here is my best part stories. here! from 1-3 (13-15 years old), my class is A. means, we're the best students entire form 1-3. now I can say that I can focus on my lesson. just from form 1-2. what happen in form 3? there's a foolish decision that I've decided. I let myself walked into a black area. (let only my closer friends knew what my stories here)if u want to know it too, just inbox me.kidding okay. clue, "cinta monyet". stupid! that's why I won't talk about it. I did my mistakes twice. but in different way. my PMR's result, there's not A.. Just B, C & D. and grade D, is the highest! fuh! my heart full of painfulness. I cried out aloud from bottom of my heart. my brother-in-law said like this to me " tiada guna ada muka cantik kalau pelajaran tiada".. it's quite hurt when I heard like that. I keep the positive, I throw the negative part. whispered to myself, "buktikan kepada mereka yang saya bukan macam itu".
going to form 4-5(16-17 years old), I start from the beginning. yeah! I done it successfully, even I'm not in class science stream, I build up my encourage again. firstly, I couldn't even received that I'm in literature class. I feel, that I'm a foolish student in this earth. but in the long my journey being a literature student, I start falling in love in those subjects. especially, literature subject! direct to the point, my SPM's result, just got 3A's, whereas my target is 4A's. but never mind, because my Literature subject is an A! my Bahasa malaysia, and pendidikan moral. and my science got B+. I've a pretty shocked because my science never, never and never get grade B current my monthly test.just stayed in grade D and C.haha. thank you God! finally, I can prove it to them that I'm not like they thought. first time my big brother (jibrail) wish to me, well done! its quite hard want heard like that from him.
reading is tiring, isn't? haha.. plus, my grammar swing go to hell? haha.. who cares?there's no one forcing you to read this.okay, continue my story. . intake for pra-university (lower & upper six), I'm in that school just for a 2 months. and I quite. (why i'm quite?), no need to give you a notice here. I've calling from God, its not nice when I declined it. right? before I start my ridiculous thing, lets continue my story. in week orientation for lower six, I've had a greatest experienced ever. I can gained more, more and more inspiration from my team. our group named SHINE! kinda funny. childish habit! that's my friend's suggestion. our group leader, named zerne. we call her, zezet. wonderful moment when I become their host for our closing orientation, added our group is the best group! indeed, I'm so proud when I announced the result. and the biggest proud is, when I be the best student lower six during the orientation, I announced my name! haha...kinda funny. miss that feeling. proud + happy^^. I feel so special. thank u^^
that's my summary being student. (baru cerita pasal student's feeling) ha ha ha...
what I mean a teacher's feeling? actually, this is my main point. (baru masuk isi rupanya) ha ha ha.. okay may be in one paragraph only.(guessing) he he he.. my lesson starting on 2012, march 03. actually, our students only have 16 students. my student just 5. I teach 4 years old only. fuh! it is not a quite hard, but very hard task okay! first, I think can't stand any longer. they do not even listen my an order. they want test my patient limit. yaa! i pinch them.. its not important point.
when my student, do not attended my class. its will ruined my teaching plans. so that, I need checked their homework to make sure that my student can follow up the other's homework. totally make me dizzy. actually, when my students can accept my lesson. its damn happy for me^^. thank you God coz gives me a strength and patient to face them.
I love my past story.
Labels: lovely moments
6:31 AM |
10 common sign of a spiritual awakening
10 common sign of a spiritual awakening
sign 1:your sleep patterns change,you feel restless but seem to have energy.
sign 2:shivers, crawling sensations, tingles on your scalp, feeling pressure on your crown, like someone is pushing down with a finger. flashes of great inspiration etc..feeling vibration around the head and ears.
sign 3:sudden waves of emotion. feeling sad, lonely, happy, angry etc for no reason.don't be hard on yourself. acknowledge as they arise and let them go with <3
sign 4:old issues keep coming back and at times you feel very lost, this is necessary & deeply cleansing.
sign 5:your physical body can change. your eating habits become more healthy.
sign 6:your senses increase in their sensitivity. your 6th sense opens up and you become much more aware of subtle energies.these are signs of spirit & your guides.
never fear!
sign 7: you begin to see the world with new eyes. you feel loving and at one with everything.
sign 8:you'll desire more and more to break free of restrictive patterns & old habits that do not serve you anymore.
sign 9:you begin to notice more & more signs that speak directly to you on a very profound level.
sign 10:synchronicity flows faster.these wonderful events flow when you are on the right path.
remember u're not alone Labels: info, realize me, spiritual
2:42 AM |
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a teacher's and student's feeling

Tuesday, March 27, 2012
perhaps, among from us will never felt what means of a Teacher's feeling, you need to be a Teacher then u'll know it. there's a lot of meaning. my mom's my first Teacher, because she's a kindergarten Teacher. since I'm about 3-6 years old, my mom allowed me to follow her whenever she went to school for teaching. ya, as you know 3 years old, do not know anything about education yet. either me. just sitting down, staring the other children playing around. I'm a nerd person. when I grew up, I be the un-nerdy person.
I make my past stories become more shorter. in the kindergarten school, (not to proud of myself) but i'm the best student. top 3 in the class. probably it's because my mom can spend a lot of her time for me. and I received more pinched from her.ya, quite hurt till I cried then fall asleep. but seems it's not a big deal because I knew what a causes i'm being pinch. because of that pinch, I'm become more diligent. diligent for memories ABC, getting to know 123, addition, etc. I love do that. when I'm went to primary school. I'm in the class C, not good enough compare class A. but, who cares? I don't care at all. whether, I'm in the class A or not. it's neither not a big deal for me.
I thought my past stories is not short like I guess.still want to keep reading? it's up to u my dear. okay, not in the kindergarten school anymore. more mature in primary school. really? indeed, being primary school 7-12 years old, its pretty faster than I thought. days goes too faster. around I'm 7-9 years old, still can calling me best student. all my subjects, I got more than 70 above. around I'm 10-12 years old,I'd joined culture club(dance), because of that I'm falling in love in dance but at the same time I started had drowning, I'm fool around my stuff. I don't care at all I've a homework or not. I don't care I'd finished it or not. I'm so careless. I'm not even aware from my bad habit.gssk! (totally damn idiot when remember it again). okay, let it be past. going to my UPSR's result. I only can got 1A, and the other subjects just can got C & B, there's no failed okay. but I'm so disappointed with that.
jump out from primary school and going out to secondary school.okay, here is my best part stories. here! from 1-3 (13-15 years old), my class is A. means, we're the best students entire form 1-3. now I can say that I can focus on my lesson. just from form 1-2. what happen in form 3? there's a foolish decision that I've decided. I let myself walked into a black area. (let only my closer friends knew what my stories here)if u want to know it too, just inbox me.kidding okay. clue, "cinta monyet". stupid! that's why I won't talk about it. I did my mistakes twice. but in different way. my PMR's result, there's not A.. Just B, C & D. and grade D, is the highest! fuh! my heart full of painfulness. I cried out aloud from bottom of my heart. my brother-in-law said like this to me " tiada guna ada muka cantik kalau pelajaran tiada".. it's quite hurt when I heard like that. I keep the positive, I throw the negative part. whispered to myself, "buktikan kepada mereka yang saya bukan macam itu".
going to form 4-5(16-17 years old), I start from the beginning. yeah! I done it successfully, even I'm not in class science stream, I build up my encourage again. firstly, I couldn't even received that I'm in literature class. I feel, that I'm a foolish student in this earth. but in the long my journey being a literature student, I start falling in love in those subjects. especially, literature subject! direct to the point, my SPM's result, just got 3A's, whereas my target is 4A's. but never mind, because my Literature subject is an A! my Bahasa malaysia, and pendidikan moral. and my science got B+. I've a pretty shocked because my science never, never and never get grade B current my monthly test.just stayed in grade D and C.haha. thank you God! finally, I can prove it to them that I'm not like they thought. first time my big brother (jibrail) wish to me, well done! its quite hard want heard like that from him.
reading is tiring, isn't? haha.. plus, my grammar swing go to hell? haha.. who cares?there's no one forcing you to read this.okay, continue my story. . intake for pra-university (lower & upper six), I'm in that school just for a 2 months. and I quite. (why i'm quite?), no need to give you a notice here. I've calling from God, its not nice when I declined it. right? before I start my ridiculous thing, lets continue my story. in week orientation for lower six, I've had a greatest experienced ever. I can gained more, more and more inspiration from my team. our group named SHINE! kinda funny. childish habit! that's my friend's suggestion. our group leader, named zerne. we call her, zezet. wonderful moment when I become their host for our closing orientation, added our group is the best group! indeed, I'm so proud when I announced the result. and the biggest proud is, when I be the best student lower six during the orientation, I announced my name! haha...kinda funny. miss that feeling. proud + happy^^. I feel so special. thank u^^
that's my summary being student. (baru cerita pasal student's feeling) ha ha ha...
what I mean a teacher's feeling? actually, this is my main point. (baru masuk isi rupanya) ha ha ha.. okay may be in one paragraph only.(guessing) he he he.. my lesson starting on 2012, march 03. actually, our students only have 16 students. my student just 5. I teach 4 years old only. fuh! it is not a quite hard, but very hard task okay! first, I think can't stand any longer. they do not even listen my an order. they want test my patient limit. yaa! i pinch them.. its not important point.
when my student, do not attended my class. its will ruined my teaching plans. so that, I need checked their homework to make sure that my student can follow up the other's homework. totally make me dizzy. actually, when my students can accept my lesson. its damn happy for me^^. thank you God coz gives me a strength and patient to face them.
I love my past story.
Labels: lovely moments
10 common sign of a spiritual awakening
10 common sign of a spiritual awakening
sign 1:your sleep patterns change,you feel restless but seem to have energy.
sign 2:shivers, crawling sensations, tingles on your scalp, feeling pressure on your crown, like someone is pushing down with a finger. flashes of great inspiration etc..feeling vibration around the head and ears.
sign 3:sudden waves of emotion. feeling sad, lonely, happy, angry etc for no reason.don't be hard on yourself. acknowledge as they arise and let them go with <3
sign 4:old issues keep coming back and at times you feel very lost, this is necessary & deeply cleansing.
sign 5:your physical body can change. your eating habits become more healthy.
sign 6:your senses increase in their sensitivity. your 6th sense opens up and you become much more aware of subtle energies.these are signs of spirit & your guides.
never fear!
sign 7: you begin to see the world with new eyes. you feel loving and at one with everything.
sign 8:you'll desire more and more to break free of restrictive patterns & old habits that do not serve you anymore.
sign 9:you begin to notice more & more signs that speak directly to you on a very profound level.
sign 10:synchronicity flows faster.these wonderful events flow when you are on the right path.
remember u're not alone Labels: info, realize me, spiritual
Important Memories I ever have
I met him on November, 14, 2011. why I fall in love with this guy? because God's love shows us how we loved and needed each other