![]() ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't know what should I say.. hem..about tomorrow lah.. tomorrow is PERTARAKAN peringkat zon21.. for the first : saya tiada semangat mahu ikut pertarakan tue.. I don't know WHY but the reality lah tue.. something I'm not agree with their producer.. buat peringkat ZON after peringkat NEGERI.. hem,tidak patut lah.. I wont talk about lah.. their bussiness.. certificate is most important for me than present..isn't? bla.... bla. . . . . bla . . . . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uncle alfred told me to present SYARAHAN or SAJAK.. ngam laitu.. tiada kena mengena ni..huahuahua... tiada persediaan lagi,, udalah saya ni perlu 1 bulan for the prepration.. OH NO... just wait n see what will happen tomorrow.. jeng..jeng...jeng.. 9:30 AM | <>0 comments |