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thanks God.. finally, I can meet him again. I'm so happy when I can see him, touch him, and make a beautiful sound from him^^. but, look carefully on my Violin, there's have a defects. string G was gone! gssk. while I'm playing a song, suddenly the string G had been broken. how I hate it. now, he always here.. but I can't do anything with him. gssk! so now, I have to buy a new string. and go to meet my ex-teacher violin. I'm pretty scary want to meet him, because last year, I stopped his lesson without give him information. but now, I'm in bad situation. so I need too. I want make my revision for this year about my violin's lesson. actually, I'm not good enough to read a note. I just memories that sound, and I play it without note. h a h a h a. because I'm a blind note person. but I wish, I can get what I've desired. do your best Chrissy^^ 11:00 PM | <>0 comments |