![]() ![]() today morning.. di gereja SDA beluran..(chruch kami) jam 3.. bertolah pergi gereja SDA Ulu Dusun... bestnyaa... have many and many song we has done practised.. include song for the pertarakan at Kota Marudu.. 24hb oktober ni, next week.. ada lagi pertarakan peringkat zon 21 di dewan sandakan.. actually, I don't want to join they all.. bcoz I still in my exam.. huhuk ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ another story time saya exam..hahaha! so funny lah.. do u want to know??? for the readers, siapa yang kenal pelajar yang bernama Dairled James?? hahahhaha..... he is my classmate from form 4... adakah patut dia minta nota ringkas saya tujuannya for copy it and then paste into his answer on paper exam. how stupid u think?haha sebenaR2nya,.. syaa benci dengan dia.. thats why saya kasih tahu nama dia.. (kotoh!! sambil ketawa) he is so gette.. dia tidak tahu how to respect woman... like me and another girl.. I ever slap him... bcoz he is rude!! touch2 sembarang!!! stupidity kaaaaan...... foolishnessss kan.......hahhaha (tini, sudahlah nda boleh mengumpat) haha... ngantuk bah sebenarnya ni.. baru pulang dari cec.. jam9 baru terpulang..hoho penat VS letih.. = sleepy.. hehe... gud nite... ^_^" 6:42 AM | <>0 comments |