![]() ![]() chrissy has a fairy tale story in her life.. she's always wanted to be a queen even for a while. I know each one of us, has a fairy tale story. let me tell you about my fairy tales story.. since I'm 13 years old, I've been started my day-dreaming. haha.. I know this is funny, but make me amaze. I'll be acting like I'm the queen IN MY ROOM! haha..that's why I love to take my picture.as u seen, I'm not pretty, beauty or whatsoever. I'm just beauty me. I try to be too but I know myself. I falling in love with make up, make up tools, anything about those. until I made a research for skills make up correctly just take a few minute.and I loved that. seriously, I'm jealous with my friends because they have a fairer skin, smooth skin,. and how about me? nothing at all. sometimes I felt this world was not fair. but I'm wrong, each of us has own an abilities from God.and I hold that. when I'm 17 years old, I thought my fairy tales will become true. but I'm totally wrong. God has His own purpose for me, better than what I'd have planned before. okay, lets start here. one man named Colin car, he's ever touched up me in wedding anniversary event. he says, I'm appropriate as a Unduk Ngadau participants. wow! sounds great. isn't? then he had offered me to be a participant for Unduk Ngadau, and I'm totally damn happy! haha.. and he willing to pay my fees for it, he wants prepare everythings for me, suits, make up tools, jewellry. amazing right?! If you be me, do you want to reject offer like that? of course not! haha. let me show your colin car's picture. p/s I'm soryy because take your picture without you permission.hehe there's he is.. cool man uh? he is talented in make up. yes he is. when I grew up 18 years old. he reminds me about his promise about Unduk Ngadau, and he already prepared everthings, I just need to attend there and I'll be the queen, haha! then he gave me a schedule for the competition. in one month have 4 competitions, do u believe that? when I saw the schedule, I think it twice, then I REJECTED it. yes! I'm fool in your eyes. I'd rejected it because the competition had been dropped on Sabbath day. that's why my dreams became a fairy tales story! haha. the opportunity will not comes to us twice. I'll keep the 10 commandments in my heart. because God gives it to us to keep it as well. but its okay, altought I couldn't be the queen. one day, I'll be the queen in my chilldren's heart.miahahaha! let me tell you what is Undek Ngadau mean actual. this's not me. just upload. haha. gambar hiasan saja.so, this's I mean. aren't there pretties? yes, there are. I've some picture when my ugly face had been touched up by someone's hands. this is my sister's wedding. and I'm be their clamp. at Ulu Dusun's church. at mini hall's Beluran. I'm fat! wedding ceremony. behind me is my emm2! haha.. no lah, he is not. he is just my partner as a clamp. *end of my fairy tales story* 7:14 AM | <>0 comments |