![]() ![]() gambar hiasan semata-mata ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ we take this pic time to go church.. my sister want make a one experiment... which one is most fairer.. (stupid job) of course lah, she fairer than me.. my face have a scar... she got a melanin.. naa... fare kan...haha how to cure this scar uh? my skin very sensitive.. bila ada pimple.. dah baik.. jadi hitam dulu baru dia b'balik mcm biasa... tapi masa yang sungguh lama... membebankan aku..huU.. my mum said.. U still youth, thats is a small matter. don't think too much about it.. (betul juga lah) current being youth.. mesti lalui zaman kegawatan mcm nie.. hehe.. but my brother (didem) his skin so fairer than my sister.. may be he always eat vegetrian.. bab tu lah kulit dia sihat..haha.. he always annoy about my skin and face.. (tak pe) one day, i'll bet u..haha.. take a notes : mencerahkan kulit... guna beras, then kc hancur.. mix by kunyit.. letak di muka, buat mask di muka.. biarkan sampai kering.. ops~!before that, rendam beras tue selama 3 jam atau lebih.. so easy task..isn't?? (traditional skin solution) ^_^ try by urself... rasailah perubahannya.. hahaha 10:11 PM | <>0 comments |