![]() ![]() this post is newest from me.. december 30, 2011 ........................................................................... oldest post was already past.. and its never come back at all! I won't delete it from my Blog, because I don't want to be a hypocrite person.. maybe nobody will reads my oldest posts, but to my readers blog.. all those are my memories... *fullstop* .................................................................. there's some pictures during camp! last weak... I went to Keningau, papar for campore.. such a beautiful moment with them^^ with him, pastor and his family, member church from keningau, friends from overseas,. I can try the things.. such as, abseiling, make a puppet (but I already gave Jess my puppet)hehe.. and many more...etc. most I hate.. I'm not feel well during the camp.. migrain always disturb me!!! but thanks to dady coz always take of me.. lets talk about my friends at Keningau... actually, I dont know them yet..but one thing I know about them.. their relation as a friend.. I like it.. but so sad I can't be like them, because I dont know how to convesrsation with them.. but thanks God, they are too friendly.. and its make me comfort being their friend.. did you know, that not all people will like you as your wish.. while I'm being Literature Evanglist.. I realised that NOT ALL PEOPLE CALLED HUMAN will likes you... and it makes me more mature!^^ (kununlah) ........................................................................... pastor with his lovely wife.. mrs Rozelene Now, about Pastor Justin G and his family.. title: how I can meet them... especially Pastor Justin... actually.. he makes my life stories became freaking weird.. okai..first of all... I met him on .... (I forgot already) nevermind.. I met him at SARS Tamparuli mission... for the first my impersion to him is he's stranger person..Lol! because I dont know that he's pastor.. finally, he introduced his name and told me that he's pastor.. and I'm totally shocked... but just STAY COOL..hehe.. and he started his conversation... questions that I never forget for the rest of my life!! "are your boyfriend is SDA??" and I answer with lips wanna laugh..haha.. "sorry, I don't have any boyfriend yet" then he screams like this "Na!! jadilah ini!!" what a funny act?? i'm in my own confused...with my face damn blurr!haha then he continued his dialog..actually in my minds, I've a big question mark!. he's already getting married?? I thought that he likes me..haha! but actually... his point is.. he want point me someone.. named NICHOLAS NEO.. pastor snap my picture then sent it to Neo..how ashamed it!! two times lagi tu!! adadada!! but the funny things... I just followed his request..why?? and one more thing, make me totally had a headache!.. pastor gives me something... maybe I shouldn't mention it here.. but its good enough make me be a damn thinker!! start from that day!!! me and Neo start to know each other.. but by the same time... I point neo to someone! haha... because I don't like or admire him...NOT YET!..haha... I wont replied his text.. I wont give him a greenlight.. but one night... for the first time we chit-chatting thru calling...^^ midnight lagi tu.. adoii..haha.. the weird is... I tell him all about me.. about my life, about my ex too.. and we stop calling when his credit has finished! haha... suddenly.. !!!! I realised that I already tell him all about me... allllll about me..!! about my past...its so embrassing!!huhu.. funny things is.. he just keep silent and listening my story.. I thought he get bored.. but he's don't... how weird it is..haha.. *fullstop* ...................................................................... another nonsense story.. on last month I guess.. oh no, october 2011.. for this first time I went to Keningau's church... this is view of keningau's church (weddind anniversary ceremony) this event on november 19, 2011.. Im be their MC with Charldi Lauren(aan) this day .. a great moment too!^^ thank u to pastor Justin G coz gives me opportunity.. another picture I Guess... Nicholas , me and pastor.. both of them... very very meaningful for me.. wonderful guys..hehe!^^ actually, their attitudes almost same! for your information I liked to describe someone's attitudes without they know it.. sorry!^^ i'm not judge... just want to know them well.. whoever ever met me, I know u more or less about you.. not at all.. but a little things about u that u didn't realise it..^^ when I want to stop talking!! haha.. maybe this is a the last things I want to share in this blog.. only this baa!^^ finally... we're together... I know God already created my life better than my Plan! 8:25 PM | <>0 comments |