![]() ![]() last night I had dreamed about him, but the 'weird' is he looks so emmm... so unhappy when he saw me, he smiles just wanna smiles front of me.. and when at behind me,he looks so sad something like that lah. rambut dia yang tidak terurus...what mean of those?? I really, really and really want to know his condition right now..but I can't~~ saya tidak layak lagi untuk mengetahui khabarnya.. setiap kali saya buka facebook, profile yang pertama saya buka adalah facebook dia.. tapi when I check, ITS GONE!! thats really make me dissapointed, may be he really want to forget me..:( and throw away our memories~~ sekarang saya sudah deactivekan facebook saya sendiri. saya rasa tiada guna sudah saya guna facebook.. facebook pun getting slower!! bikin panas kadang-kadang.. peduli lah sana... saya malas sudah mahu urus semua tu, kalau saya memang perlukan bantuan dari facebook.. i'll active it again.. *fullstop* 8:49 AM | <>0 comments |