![]() ![]() do you believe in this case? may be not much among us believe this thing. I don't know what should I call this thing. it's alive or not. in bible also had saying about this thing. in our own belief or whatsoever religion that we've hold, they'll say a same thing what I've said just now.may be half from us will say GHOST just a ridiculous thing, unknown thing, and so ever. but could you answer my question? 1) why I can see them while they're not even really exist? 2) if they were really exist, why should me can see them? 3) does it bounty from God? 4) or they just my own imagination? 5) or I am extraordinary human, am I?!!! but I don't want to see them!! (and so much more question mark in my head!) someone ever asked me, what there look alike? aren't they are really has a horrible face like we've seen in the horror movie? let me tell you here, I'd ever seen various of ghost, sometimes they'll changed their self like an animal, such as transparent thing, I can't see them clearly. usually, they'll appear in front of me just take a few second. 3 till 4 sec. when I tell someone I can see this thing, they'll excited! indeed, I won't tell anybody. but this is I am. just face the reality of me. I can see the GHOST since I'm born may be, but I realize about this things when I'm 13 or 14 years old. hahaha! can U imagine this ghost always following behind me. no, I'm kidding. haha! this is not a ghost, but a real Devil! this image not like I mean. its full of different. okay now, I ever joined a camping last year at Lahad Datu ( Taliwas place) for church's activities, this place never explored, seems dense forest, haha. on that time, chrissy is hysteria! do u believe that? but I am not alone, there's three or four girls had been hysteria like me. when I be down with it, seems I couldn't even aware who are really I am, horrible feeling I ever felt! .this story I'll write another day^^ ( I'm promise). day by day, I can control my feelings of fear. did you know, how my mind when that things going towards me? its full of fear in me. sometimes, I think I am the SUI person. you know what mean of sui? malang! on that day, that things always counting on me. yaa... transparent thing! sometimes they'll made a weird form, different color, usually in white and black. lets call them Mr. G .. haha. more friendly, isn't? hehe. well, they're God's creation too. Lucifer their father. haha. Satan has a good look, do believe that? go read your bible. cause he has been created so perfectly, he became so ego. bla bla bla bla... do you ever read Ingin Dengar Cerita Hantu book? I ever read that at the same time, my fear become dullness, NO FEAR JUST FAITH! although, fear was still in me, I admit it. but at least I've a faith. let me tell you something, a named GHOST couldn't even read our mind. so don't be afraid my dear friend in Jesus. even U're scary of it, don't show it that u're scary. just relax .. and pray in your heart with all your faith and trust in our Almighty Lord. GHOST is nothing at all if u're in Jesus name. until now I can see those, but I still alive. because they didn't have any chance to take charge in me.haha. my advice, even u're not trust a ghost.. don't ever try challenging them. they are more brilliant than you. but they're USELESS! haha. one more thing, don't even ever start any conversation with them! OUR GOD IS MORE POWERFUL! 1:45 AM | <>0 comments |