![]() ![]() title of this song : aku nyanyi bila aku teringat. I ever sang this song at Keningau's church.. such a ashamed experienced, I hate that..haha.. I'm getting nervous till I forgot the lyric padahal lirik depan mata! haha.. actually, I don't know how used my voice so nicely.. I want take a vocal classes but my mom said, U have a talent already.. just polish it .. so that, I'll sing everwhere I be..PRACTISE MAKE PERFECT oh ya, Keningau's church Youths.. they're have a good talent in singing.. all of them can sing very well.. and i'm fell that I'm too tiny... like my name Tini..haha.. But someone attarct my attention.. she's a woman.. she's name is Juanita Gulon.. fuh!! How I can described about her talent.. too talented singer ever!! when she start sing, I'll open my mouth very wide..haha.. syoklah ba pokoknya...haha.. BILA LAH NI SIAP MAU UPLOADING!! LAMBAT BETUL O.. 8:59 PM | <>0 comments |