Keeping Memories Alive <body>

Hye readers!

future husband Mr.N!

so, welcome to My Memories. Just sharing, and you are reading My Memories. eventhough, I might not know who reads my memories. but I know it's you really cares about me. tQ again ^_^
hope you're enjoying while visiting and reading, God Bless ^^

Me Chrissy

I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist
I'm not a girl, but not yet a woman. well ya, I'm a person really easy going, sometimes it changed so sensitive. I'm a kindergarten Teacher, I'd choosed my life's purpose is my God's Purpose. because He's my Author for Alpha and Omega. Proud the be His servant. one more important thing, I'm a youngest sister in six siblings. I love my Mummy damn much!

My Day-dreaming

master being a Vilonist

Wife-to-be - Mr.N

owned Gospel's Album

build a house on the hill


Designer: Wyona
Images: Cyworld | Wyona
Host: blogger | photobucket
Pixels: GG | Happyy-stop
Reference: blogskins

Keeping Memories Alive

oh DAMN! bcoz of him, u ignore my feeling
PLEASE!! use ur BRAIN, dont use ur LUTUT!!
lyric of this song..(GAYA HIDUP SIHAT MEMBAWA BE...
my latest handphone (present) from brother in-law ...
with Sis My.. heE
moment with members church ^^
None But Jesus by Hillsongs-versi Chrissy
sabbath is WONDERFUL day
me & him ^_^"

kau akan menyesal!!!!
Monday, October 25, 2010

continous my older story..
em,no lah.. newer story i think....
he spoke with this words "JANGAN KURANG AJAR"
because I hate his friend, aku benci ada SEBAB bukan tanpa SEBAB..ok?
kau cakap kawanmu BAIK, sampai kau tidak peduli perasaan aku..
ok, nevermind...
aku kasih tahu KAU ah..
baca ni betul2..
kawanmu tue TIKAM BELAKANG kau..
kawanmu mau COUPLE dengan saya.. tht's why, dia bagus2 dengan kau,...
pecaya tau tidak,kau punya tahu lah..
aku tidak akan lagi SMS kau selagi kau tidak SMS.
itu JANJI aku..
aku tiadapun maki KAWAN kau tue, saya cakap ja saya BENCI & HANTU..
kau tegur saya supaya tidak benci orang sebab saya
ni aktif dalam gereja..
I agree with that, n I admit it..
but I also human being. saya tahu perasaan marah,sakit hati tu..
yang betul2 buat saya terkilan bila kau marah disebabkan
saya benci kawan mu... (ada sebab)
kalau mataku can yelling n screaming, sudah beteriak kesakitan ni,
kau buat acuh tidak acuh..
saya tidak akan buat KATA PUTUS..
biarlah kau yang buat kata putus,
wanna BREAK or TAKE A TIME to know me...


one more things..
he backhitting You..
BUT I wont trust it..
because I still love you..
but when U want me to let u go..
what can I do..

my freinds told me.
have many boy right there..
but I told my friends,
you're the only one I want..
tht's why, pls make the solution..

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