![]() ![]() gambar hiasan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ did U knows? what I most hate on my facebook? first thing is, they distrubing me.. HATE THAT! I said I don't want give my number phone, so DON'T FORCE ME!! but they inda lah pandai serik... what can I say? just a 'gay'..lol~ seconds is they sent me SMS, for those are BULLSHIT! mcm nie bunyinya... apa kau buat? umur kau berapa2? dah ada boyfriend? dah mandi? dah makan? what the f**k!haha... they questions.. astaga... bikin panas.. if U wants to know about, just look on my info.. tidak susah kan... THE LAST!!! have half from them, want be my SCANDAL? even they know that I already taken.. ish2, dahsyat2... kamu ingat aku ni apa? for u infomation... I really and really HATE SCANDAL! for me, orang yang mcm tue.. tiada pendirian langsung dalam hidup... naa,, look at this picture...!!!! sedarlah yaaa....~~ 3:31 AM | <>0 comments |