![]() ![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * miss my blog* oh God~~ finally I can write something on my blog.. many things that I want to tell my dearest blog.. but, how could I do that ? many and more more.. *hard* okay... start from the begining of the story once day, has a fairytale... aik..aik.. stop nonsenses..loL~ about my family, we went to kota kinabalu : hot spring & national park & roses cabin such a beautiful moment.. but too sad, my day won't go. WHATEVER!!Huu~ *love my family* *HOLIDAY* waiting for my result SPM, whether good or bad.. I'll accept it.. God always be my saviours even I failed in this earth.. but!! being honestly and deepest in sincerely heart I want success to make my family and him proud of me..^_^" *AMOS* until now, he always at besides as my boyfriend.. he had went my house for CHRISTMAS~ I force him to sings..hahahaha... he has a nice voice, but he so shy... hehehe.. ~love you b~ my life is meaningfull~ my promise is, I don't want to mention this words.. *boring* for me~ who's person saying like that.. they don't have any destiny in their own life (FOR ME)^_^" 9:05 AM | <>0 comments |