![]() ![]() love's nothing and nothing~ I can't pretending it anymore.. I can't... really can't...!!! I need him but I knew.. he always remembers me...right?? may U exam this year will be SUCCESFUL!! cahyoo^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ my friends told me that I'm stupid.. my friends told me that I'm nonsense.. my friends told me that I'm crazy... those are really make me more confused.. ................................... aku rasa aku memang BODOH sebab mempersoalkan soalan yang tidak patut aku soal.. kalau difikirkan kembali, kenapalah kau bodoh sangat waktu itu untuk mempersoalkan "soalan Bodoh" itu.. tengoklah sekarang, kau sendiri yang merasainya Chrissy!! kotoh!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ actually, he ever hurts me.. but its not a big deal for me.. they said, "hurting" in relation it's normal thing.. yes, I admit it too.. me too ever hurt him, I'm sorry..hehe~ (just word at above...) half they said its stupid.. but for me its LOVE...^^ I want to share with this quote in this picture . . . it's so nice and sweet~~~ xoxoxoxoxoxoxox 1:41 AM | <>0 comments |