![]() ![]() yeah...this is me.. first day being as a Teacher..Hee^^ Dady asked me don't forget smile.. and I did it... I'll smile even I'm too nervous! there's some school's picture as well.. this class is so simple but look nice and cute... we've 16 students.. today, only 3 three students had attended to school... uhh! thats bad enough for me to handle it.. but when I hold their hand to draw something, seems like i'm a their mother.. and I love it so much.. I hope! I'll never stress or get tention then I'll suicide h a h a , but hopefully I may teach them with my pure heart, heart to-heart...hehek!^^ school's view from outside.. oren and white.. appriopriate with school's identity as a kindergarten..look so cute^^ ok, I want to tell you something.. my first day was a bad day.. you know why ?? suddenly my home didn't have a water supply.. what the !$%#@%#%%$!! sudahlah, too "earlier" woke up this morning..haha.. seven o'clock!! chrissy2... (b'gayut lagi tengah malam baa tini) haha and another else.. I have one student.. his name Amersyon.. I can't believe that he couldn't understand me at all.. he can't understand malay langguages, may be thats is challenge for me I guess.. I must learned speak my mother tongue (Dusun) huhu.. and he makes embrassed because I can't speak in his langguage as well whereas I'm a Dusun too.. stop it Chrissy..hehe !^^ this is my dady.. Neo his first day at his class for this year 2012.. thank you for him because he can spent his time to sent his activities.. and I'm so damn happy of it.. in six or seven or eight months I couldn't meet him.. however, may be I might not see him as often as I like.. but he always staying in my mind for sure..indeed! he's far from my sight, but not in my heart.. adadada! jiwang juga! h a h a I love you a dady... let God leads our relation in his own hand.. amen!^^ 6:17 AM | <>0 comments |